New Max for Live Patch

You can download a new Max for Live patch now:

The Chord Generator

Like the Schwarzonator the patch creates chord progressions, but in a more musical language. You can create triads and tetrads by pressing only one key on the keyboard. This key is automatically the root key.
You can generally choose between major and minor and add diminished or augmented additional notes. The third can be omitted.
Furthermore you can invert the chord from root inversion to the third inversion and set the chord’s disposition from close to open.
All functions can be randomized. With the random function you can generate some pretty weird stuff.

Download the Chord Generator

7 Replies to “New Max for Live Patch”

  1. Hallo! Erstmal Danke für das tolle Teil!
    Es gibt leider nur einen Bug (zumindest bei mir) wenn es darum geht
    die schaltfächen auf einen kontroler zu Mappen (push bzw. Launchpad)
    Generell funktioniert das sehr gut nur leider überspringt er immer den letzten Wert
    pro Parameter. D.h. Wenn man zB die akkordumkehrungen per controler fernsteuern will
    Geht er wie gewünscht von Grundstellung zu 1. Umkehrung zu 2. Umkehrung doch anstatt bei erneutem Drücken auf die dritte Umkehrung zu Springen landet er nach kurzem flackern des 3.umkehrungsbuttons wieder in der Grundstellung.
    Dieses Phänomen ist bei allen Parametern zu beobachten. Besonders blöd ist das bei der Dur/Moll (Maj/Min) Umschaltung, da hier momentan nur ein Modus (Maj) anwählest ist da er den Mollmodus überspringt.
    Wäre es möglich das nochmal zu entbuggen denn das Ding ist ansonsten supertoll…

  2. it\’s a handle with 32 presets to add more varieties to your arrangement or just moment review presets if there should be an occurrence of utilization in live act (you can delineate handle to a midi CC and change your succession with it for exemple…)
    To spare a \”variety\” (a stage) move the handle on the opening you need and push \”store step\”.
    Steps can be replicated/stuck. furthermore, you can spare and load your 32 varieties in an outside document.

  3. Hello Nils,

    Awesome chord generator. Is there a way to incorporate a scale so chords generated are played within that scale and also how can they be blocked from playing from within midi? I am just starting with Ableton and the player in reason 10 chords and scales is a must have for myself as I don\’t have any musical training. Let me know if you have any suggestions or know of a plugin/tool that would be able to do that.



  4. Can the controls for major vs minor, etc. be assigned Key controllable in Ableton with the standard Key control assigning in Ableton Live?
    Sorry if this is a stupid question.

  5. Anyone know why its not downloading for me? I’ve clicked the link about 100 times and it just refreshes the page. Would love this plug in!

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